Parent Effectiveness Training

It’s time to resolve conflict respectfully, connect with your child, and enjoy being a parent.

I know what it’s like. Something has to change.

Does this sound familiar? You’ve read all the books and tried all the methods but parenting still feels overwhelming and challenging.

You want to be the best parent you can be, but sometimes you wonder if you’re cut out for the job.

I promise, you’re not alone. I’ve experienced that feeling of frustration and so have many of my clients.

The problem isn’t YOU.

You just need a clear process that tells you ‘the what, the when, and the how’ of parenting WITHOUT leaving you feeling like a villain or a victim.

And that’s the key to step into being the parent you want to be.

It can be hard to break free of old parenting habits.

We’re often just parenting on ‘auto-pilot’ - following what we’ve seen modelled for us our whole lives. It becomes so that we don’t even question those methods anymore or, if we do, we get confused by all the conflicting advice out there.

Sometimes, you think you’ve got one thing figured out and then your child reaches a new developmental stage and what worked before doesn’t work anymore.

When you’re muddling along, just trying to do your best with the pieces of parenting advice you pick up here and there, you might find yourself:

  • Feeling unsure if you’re doing it ‘right’ because one expert says one thing and another says the opposite

  • Falling back on yelling and threats out of desperation

  • Wondering if you’re too strict or too permissive

  • Not speaking up for your own needs because you think there’s no point

  • Feeling worried that you’re not a ‘good enough’ parent

  • Not being able to relax and have fun as a family

  • Repeating the same parenting methods your parents used

  • Wishing your child felt like they could talk to you about their problems

Can you relate? If so, you’re not alone - I’ve been there too, friend.

I desperately wanted to be the best mum I could be, but nothing seemed to be helping.

I felt stuck, and I can now see what I was believing that was keeping me that way:

“You’re the adult - you have to ‘win’ all the battles”

“You’re a mother - you have to sacrifice your needs, that’s just the way it goes”

“Kids need to learn through rewards and punishment/consequences”

I wasn’t even questioning whether these beliefs were true…

I started buying parenting ‘how-to’ books and courses when I was pregnant with my first child, and I didn’t stop! I was determined to find the perfect ‘method’, the foolproof way to parent any child.

Of course I learned the hard way that your kids don’t read the manual…

Thankfully I discovered coaching and I learned how to manage my mindset. I was able to feel more empowered and compassionate, both towards my kids and myself. And now, as a certified coach I help other mums do the same through my one-on-one coaching practice.

However I had the feeling that something was still missing - whilst coaching was helping me with how I was feeling, I still wanted that ‘how-to’ guide as to what to do

Thankfully I found ‘Parent Effectiveness Training’ (P.E.T) - a program developed by award-winning psychologist and three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr Thomas Gordon after extensive research.

I had finally found a method that was respectful of both my children’s needs and my own - one that wasn’t ‘one-size fits all', and didn’t use methods that could potentially jeopardise our relationship.

After implementing P.E.T skills in my own life and seeing the huge change they made, I knew that I needed to share them with more parents who might be struggling like I was. The decision to become a P.E.T instructor was a no-brainer!

I finally feel like I can have the relationship with my kids that will enable us to stay connected and respectful of each other, despite whatever challenges life might throw at us.

Now I have a process to help me KNOW what to do in different parenting situations, and the skills required to handle whatever it is.

Parenting doesn’t have to be so hard.

P.E.T will help your family be more respectful and connected. As a result, over time you won’t need to use the skills as often as you will experience less problems!

Families using P.E.T skills experience:

  • Less stress and anxiety and fewer family conflicts

  • Greater ability to deal with anger and strong emotions

  • Warmer, more satisfying relationships

  • Children become more self-disciplined, resilient and able to solve their own problems

  • Respectful resolution of day-to-day issues e.g bedtime, chores, homework, going to school, use of social media

  • Children talk more openly to parents and are more open to parent/s ideas and their values

  • Parents can comfortably express their own concerns and unmet needs related to children’s behaviour

And if I can do it, you can do it too - it might be time for you to stop battling along the old way and try something new.

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T)


  • Listen so your children feel understood (ACTIVE LISTENING)

  • Improve connection with your children (PREVENTATIVE AND RELATIONSHIP SKILLS)

  • Talk so your children will understand and help you (I-MESSAGES AND GEAR-SHIFTING)

  • Find a way to resolve conflicts so nobody loses (THE NO-LOSE METHOD)

  • Avoid ineffective communication methods such as yelling, threatening and moralising (COMMUNICATION ROADBLOCKS)

  • Deal constructively with disagreements (CONSULTING SKILLS)


You’ll get all the skills you need, along with the support of fellow parents who are in the same boat.

You will be able to share ideas with other parents in the group, learn what’s working from others and be inspired to keep working on your new skills.

You also don’t need to worry that once the program is over you will forget all you learned - ongoing support is provided for my current and past P.E.T class members through a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and share success stories.

Course Outline

  • Session 1

    Introduction to Course and the ‘Effective Parent’ Concept

  • Session 2 and 3

    Helping the Child Meet Their Needs

  • Session 4

    Preventing Problems and Conflicts

  • Session 5

    Relating Effectively To Get Parent’s Needs Met

  • Session 6 and 7

    Resolving Conflicts and Applying the ‘No Lose Method’

  • Session 8

    Resolving Values Collisions

Equip yourself with the skills you need to be the parent you want to be for your child.

Here’s what’s included:

Option 1:

8 weekly sessions - 3 hours per week via Zoom with me and a maximum of 10 participants (24 hours total)

These sessions are relaxed and friendly - each session includes interactive activities that are engaging and designed to help you practice the skills you can learn and apply between sessions

Participant workbook

Workbook includes activities to be completed during and between sessions that enable you to consolidate what you are learning

Reference book

‘Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children’ by Dr Thomas Gordon

(hardcopies of both the workbook and the reference book will be sent to you prior to commencement of the program )

Option 2:

The same inclusions as Option 1, however held over 16 weekly sessions - 1.5 hours per week with a break during school holidays (24 hours total)

Option 3:

Private one-on-one sessions are available for those who cannot commit to the times available or who wish to complete the program in a shorter time frame (at an additional cost) - please email me for details and pricing:


Access to my private Facebook Group Community for past and present P.E.T program participants

Receive support and encouragement from myself and other participants both during the program and ongoing


P.E.T is currently closed for enrollment - please contact me if you are interested in enrolling in Term 2, 2023:


  • No - P.E.T is suitable for any adult who interacts with children and wishes to improve communication and their relationship - parents, grandparents, step-parents etc.

  • Yes - the skills learned in P.E.T can be utilised with children of any age. They can, in fact, be used with other adults in your life! These skills are fundamental and respectful communication skills that will serve you (and your children) in all areas of your life.

  • Whilst it is optimal if both parents utilise P.E.T skills, it is not essential that both parents follow the program. Please email me through the link below if both you and your partner would like to participate as discounts are available.

  • I personally have found P.E.T to be an ideal program to help me parent my child with ADHD. I actually discovered P.E.T in the reference section of Ross Greene’s book ‘The Explosive Child’ which proposes a similar problem solving strategy. If you have any concerns about the suitability and wish to discuss your individual circumstances, please email me through the link below.

  • That’s what I thought too! I can reassure you that the sessions are light and interactive - not just me talking to you non-stop! We also include time for a break so you can grab a cup of tea and use the bathroom. The benefits I gained from experiencing less parenting angst (which, let’s face it, is time-consuming all by itself!) made the 3 hours a week well worth the time investment.

    An alternative is to consider Option 2, where we complete the program for 1.5 hrs per week for 16 weeks, or you might prefer to complete the program in a shorter timeframe by signing up for private sessions - see below for more information.

  • Only you know your situation and whether this is a viable option for you. For myself personally, my family is the most important thing in the world, so I was willing to invest in improving our relationship. If you are very keen to participate but money is tight, please email me to discuss payment options - I do not want anyone to miss out on this valuable program.

  • This is a common concern when you have tried lots of things and nothing has worked - I understand. P.E.T will teach you the skills that are adaptable to your situation. It does not offer ‘one-size-fits-all’ responses to children’s behaviour. You will learn what to do for your unique situation. If you are still not sure or wish to ask more questions, please email me through the link below.

  • At this stage I only have the Thursday morning option available. It is possible that I may offer additional times next year - please contact me through the link below if you would like to add your name to the waitlist for an alternate time. Private sessions are also available for an additional cost at a time that is convenient to you - see below for more information.

  • Yes - I also offer the program in a one-on-one format at a time that is convenient to you. The program can be completed in 8 sessions of 2 hours each for AUD $1280 including program materials and access to ongoing support through the Facebook group - please contact me through the link below if you are interested in this option.

  • Yes - if you’re ready to completely uplevel your parenting by approaching both the skills AND your mindset, I offer packages of 6 or 12 sessions which you can utilise during or after the program. Please contact me for further details through the link below.

Other questions?

You can send me a message through this link:

It’s time to create the family life you want.