3 Things To Stop Doing

If you are a busy mum struggling to balance everything on your plate, you are not alone! 

Here are some changes you can implement that will help you reduce stress and increase efficiency in your daily routine:

1) Stop doing everything yourself

Feeling overwhelmed with everything you need to do?

One simple thing you can stop doing to save time and energy is to stop doing everything yourself.

I know, easier said than done, right?

I challenge you to find something - even one small thing - that you can get your kids, partner, or someone else to do for you.

I think too often mums fall into the trap of thinking it’s easier to just do it themselves - and I agree, initially oftentimes it is!

But when we get over that initial hurdle, we can free ourselves of at least one thing on our to-do list.

Are you game?

What are you going to get someone else to do?

2) Stop trying to be 'perfect'

Are you tired of trying to live up to unrealistic expectations you hold for yourself?

Here’s another thing you can do to save time and energy: Stop trying to be ‘perfect’!

‘Perfection’ doesn’t exist anyway - it’s okay to let it go.

Your mental and emotional health trump the clutter in the living room every time.

I’d love to know:

Is this something you already do? Or does the thought of it make you uncomfortable?

What would you do with the extra time if you let your expectations slide a little?

3) Stop overcommitting 

It’s okay to say no sometimes!

Prioritize the things that are most important to you and your family, and don't be afraid to say no to the rest. 

By implementing these simple changes, you can reduce stress, increase efficiency, and enjoy more quality time doing what’s important to you.

Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of others.

What comes up for you when I suggest that?

Is saying no hard for you?

So those are the 3 tips I have for you...

Here’s the thing - most likely you already knew these were things you could do - they’re probably all things you’ve heard before.

Oftentimes we KNOW what we could do to make things easier for ourselves, but there’s something in the way - something that stops us from doing those things.

That ‘something’ that’s in the way is an obstacle to us having the time and energy we want - it’s an obstacle to us being able to do the things that are truly important to us, the things that light us up and give our lives meaning.

When you have an obstacle in your way you need a strategy to overcome it.

Open yourself up to the possibility of how you could implement these strategies, talk about them with a friend, become aware of what you are telling yourself that's holding you back...

Don't put your wellbeing in the too-hard basket! 


Goodbye overwhelm…